Michel Grootjans has been programming since the age of 12. He has programmed strange machines like the TI 99-4A, the Atari 2600, Mac128, HP28, Apple II, Siemens PLC's, using languages like Basic, Pascal, C, HyperTalk, Assembler, ... along the way.
His professional experiences includes building enterprise applications for government, chemical plants, telecom, HR, insurance companies, ... in java, C# and ruby.
He's an independent technical agile coach. He coaches agile teams on continuous improvement, trying to find the most productive principles and practices to deliver value for the customer as fast as possible, while aiming for a product that is both flexible and maintainable.
Visual Notetaking for Beginners (Workshop)
This is a free pre-conference workshop for everybody with a conference ticket. Wednesday January 30 16:30-18:30 in the Meervaart theater.
As developers, product owners, architects and other software professionals, we regularly have to draw. Sometimes it’s note-taking in a meeting, sometimes it’s designing at a whiteboard or at a flip chart. Sometimes it’s adding some snazz to a yellow sticky. In this workshop, you’ll experiment with several techniques to add that little touch to your notes.